Down and Dark

Tonight is a full moon and I can feel my energy all over the place. There is a resounding drum beat in my ears. If I listen very closely, it sounds like the beating of my heart. The moon is in Scorpio and with that brings a wave of conflicting emotions. Mindbody tells us that , “This moon could bring some eye-opening awakenings“…. but what?

What is it that keeps me flailing back and forth. As a soulful creature, I am so intune to the energies of the universe, especially that of the full moon. Many nights, I’ll sit under the moon and speak to her and her great power. I’ll release to her all that does not suit me, but tonight, I’m just not sure what that is.

I’ve had so much that has bombarded me over the past year, as have all of us, that tonight I know “I must let down all that is heavy”. Easier said that done……

As of late, I have been practicing the art of tarot card reading. I feel such a pull to get my cards and read what the universe is telling me. The other night my oracle cards told me exactly what I already knew just needed to hear. I’m sure tarot will tell me the same. Maybe I’ll see….

Anyways, though I always try to practice gratitude and positivity, today is a day where I feel more gray and conflicted. I share this because it is normal. We can’t all be 100% everyday, can we? As long as we don’t live in the darker spaces, I think it is important to acknowledge when we are there, explore where it came from, and then move on.

As the moon moves through Scoropio, I guess my intuition has been has been heightened…..If you are a believer in the the power of the universe and mother earth like me, you will understand how sometimes that “knowing” is both a burden and a gift.

Refinery 29 says, “A supermoon under the stars of a fixed water sign, the Scorpio full moon takes up all the energy in the room; it sits in the pit of your stomach, sending signals to your heart that there’s something amiss. It’s not a doom and gloom scenario — although Scorpios love a dash of both in an otherwise resplendent scene. Rather, it offers up the gift of knowing that there’s more to know, it reminds us of the burden of understanding that there’s an underside to everything.”

Ways a Full Moon Can Mess with Your Emotions | Reader's Digest


If this is true about Scorpio, this certainly explains how I feel. I know tomorrow will be different, lighter, but for tonight, I honor the place that I am. In this world of balance, we must be dark so we can see the light. We must be low so we can see the high. We must feel broken so we can feel whole. It is all a part of the balancing nature of the world. In each of these moments that can feel heavy, I am grateful to know that there is always another more positive side.


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