Short on sleep and time…

Life has been a whirlwind of events lately some of which have left me feeling a little unsettled.  It is during these times that I like to reflect on all the challenges life has rolled in front of me. 

Generally, I think of myself as strong and resilient but at times even I feel broken.  When life gets crazy I have to remember to pull on my big girl panties and carry on.

If I could have a magic wand to fix all of the nonsense, I wouldn’t.  It is in these difficult times that I learn so much about myself and my capabilities.  Furthermore, I think it is important to show my kids resilience in the face of adversity.

Remember the days when we didn’t just throw things away when they were broken and we actually tried to fix them?  Although hard to remember when feeling down in the dumps, I always fight for what is mine and today is not the day for me to stop! 

After a night of good sleep, a quick run, and maybe a little yoga, I should be back to me in no time.

I Am So Pissed OFF….or ON

I knew life was going too smoothly for me.  Things were just too quiet.  I haven’t gotten myself in trouble nor have I embarrassed myself…at least not any more than any other day….that is until this morning.

So far summer vacation has been great; two weeks off, 90% of which was spent sunning myself on a beach somewhere between RI and Maine and lots of family time.  Not to mention, The Met is a school that pays us year round, so essentially I’m getting paid to sun myself.  Not too shabby…..  When the opportunity came up for me to take a one week coding class that I can use in my classroom, I jumped on the opportunity, but after two weeks of the leisurely life, getting up this morning was a little rough-so rough that not even coffee could take away the sting.

In any case, the babysitter comes at 7:20 to drive the kids to camp for 9 (who by the way is a ROCKSTAR) and I make the drive to East Providence.  I arrive at East Providence City Hall for 8:00 am promptly.  This in itself is a big feat for me because:

  1.  I am ALWAYS late
  2. I ALWAYS get lost–even if I have been somewhere 700 times.  I still need a GPS to get to my in-laws house in Maine 20 YEARS LATER!

So I go upstairs, take my seat at the front of the class and set up my laptop.  Class begins, and for me the pacing is a little slow, but I’ve already had a fair amoImage result for coffee cupunt of exposure to this program.  Having only had ONE cup of coffee this morning, but no access to caffeine at the moment, I figure I’ll drink my flavored water.  I’m drinking this water like I’ve spent a year in the Mojave desert Image result for mojave desert because at the moment, the act of splashing water near my face is keeping me awake.  It’s not even 10:00 am at this point.

First trip to the ladies room.  This trip was uneventful, except the lady next to me was probably taking a dump, but hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go!  This is why I try to wear nondescript black shoes.  If I poop, you won’t know its me because my shoes are so common.  Anywhoo, the lady with the Burks goes back to class and I follow suit.

Back in class we begin our first coding activity.  I’ve already mastered this skill, but what the hell, I go through this activity and break into bottled water number 2 .  I’m pounding away at my keyboard trying to convert a YouTube video into an mp3 when my bladder reminds me that it is time to be emptied again.

I welcome the brain break and make way to the ladies room.  Of course, someone is sitting in the regular stall, so I have to make my way to the handicap accessible stall.  Normally this is not a problem, but for some unknown reason the designers of this loo thought it would be good to hoist this toilet up and good 6 inches HIGHER than any other toilet known to man.  This forces me to stand on my tippy toes to pee.  I jack myself up there like a ballerina and open the flood gates.  About 2 seconds later, I feel a warm stream of water coming down my leg and I look down only to discover that my own pee is ricocheting off the effing toilet seat an onto my leg!!!!

I break midstream, readjust, finish the job and grab a wad of paper towel to wipe the piss off of my leg that has now puddled around my foot and absorbed into my fabric sandals!

Come on!!! Who the fuck do these things happen to?!?!  Only me!  So I grab another wad of toilet paper and pick up my pee that has accumulated on the floor all the while singing in my head Image result for if you sprinkle when you tinkle sign

I then exit the stall, grab paper towels and rinse off the offended sandal and foot, wash my hands, and get the hell back to class!

When I get back I find out the my attempt to convert my youtube video to an mp3 was hijacked by a virus that took me down for an hour or so and then it was lunch….sweet, sweet lunch.

Thank you Jesus for the Portugalo food truck that saved my life.  The rest of the day went fairly well, at least until I dropped my cup of sangria on my OTHER foot later in the evening.

Image result for david's bridal dyeable flip flop

I swear someone in the heavens was trying to send a message. I just don’t know if the message was to stop drinking so many fluids or to get rid of those flip-flops.




“With insomnia, nothing’s real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy, of a copy, of a copy…When you have insomnia, you’re never really asleep and you’re never really awake.” ~ Fight Club

The milky moon rays dance in my window as the warm summer breeze tickles the hair on my skin.  My eyes wide open watching the skeletons dance mind reeling hoping for quiet and peace.

The crickets hum their love song as my thoughts bounce from one side of my head to another.

I turn to my side.

Maybe gravity will bring me slumber, rushing the blood to one side of my body, away from the worries and woes.

A tear, so wet and so salty, slides down my cheek.  How can I turn it off?  How can I turn it off?

Seconds, minutes, hours pass… stillness to be found

Do I rise? Do I meditate?  Maybe a midnight snack…

No, I move again hoping the act of adjusting my body will change the motion of my mind.

How can I download my brain?  Where does restless end and stillness begin?

Eyelids get heavy–they might even close.

But its.never.silent…never

The skeletons still dance to the music that plays–my ears so keen on listening….