Some days….

Some days I’m so sad…..

Sad for the end of a 25 year relationship. Sad for missing out on all of those family events I loved being a part of. Sad for my children who split their time between 2 homes. Sad that the life I thought I had no longer exists.

Others days I feel great!

I own my home…me alone! My kids and I make the BEST team: we vacation, we make our 3000 Sq ft home run smoothly, and we love eachother like crazy. I’ve met Jason, a wonderful man whose love surrounds me like nothing I’ve experienced before. I have the best job! I am so blessed everyday.

What I am working on in therapy is realizing it is OK to to be simultaneously sad and mourn one situation while being satisfied and happy in another. Life is, afterall, about balance.

With ups there are downs. With prosperity came struggle and with success came strife. I’ll take the bad, because in the end, the universe ALWAYS blesses me fully.

As I sit here watching the Saco River gently flow by me, I give thanks and gratitude for all I have, but just a few moments ago I was lamenting on what no longer was. Like a river, life continues to flow; sometimes like a rapid, other times a calm current.

Balance… is a balance. I’ll take it and remain in gratitude to the universe for all of life’s lessons and blessings. 🙏

Saco River North Conway, New Hampshire